From: Phil Rembleski <>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 5:44 AM
Subject: 5-11-20 THOUGHTS
Good Morning Loved Ones, and Good Week. My thoughts are borrowed
today. Bryan Ball sent me the following yesterday. It is too good
and too timely to keep to myself. We can pretend its still Mother’s Day!
Original : Heather Farrell
Have you ever noticed how in the scriptures men are always going up into the
mountains to commune with the Lord?
Yet in the scriptures we hardly ever hear of women going to the mountains, and
we know why — right? Because the women were too busy keeping life going;
they couldn’t abandon babies, meals, homes, fires, gardens, and a thousand
responsibilities to make the climb into the mountains!
I was talking to a friend the other day, saying that as modern woman I feel
like I’m never “free” enough from my responsibilities, never in a quiet enough,
or holy enough spot to have the type of communion I want with God.
Her response floored me, “That is why God comes to women. Men have to climb the
mountain to meet God, but God comes to women where ever they are.”
I have been pondering on her words for weeks and have searched my scriptures to
see that what she said is true. God does in deed come to women where they are,
when they are doing their ordinary, everyday work.
He meets them at the wells where they draw water for their families, in their
homes, in their kitchens, in their gardens.
He comes to them as they sit beside sickbeds, as they give birth, care for the
and perform necessary mourning and burial rites.
Even at the empty tomb, Mary was the first to witness Christ’s resurrection,
She was there because she was doing the womanly chore of properly preparing
Christ’s body for burial.
In these seemingly mundane and ordinary tasks, these women of the scriptures
found themselves face to face with divinity.
So if — like me — you ever start to bemoan the fact that you don’t have as much
time to spend in the mountains with God as you would like. Remember, God comes
to women. He knows where we are and the burdens we carry. He sees us, and if we
open our eyes and our hearts we will see Him, even in the most ordinary places
and in the most ordinary things.
He lives.
John 11:2 It was the Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped
His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. Read on....
My Prayer:
We thank you Oh Lord for being in our lives. Thank you dear God for our
mothers. Thank you for the sweet women who serve from their very nature.
Bless each of them today! Father, may we each have YOUR presence in us
today. Bless us that we may abide in YOU and YOU in us. Help our
minds to dwell on the sense and love that YOU HAVE PLACED IN
ETERNITY! We want to live with YOU eternally!
In the name of our LORD